Policy of cookies


Website www.sma.ee (hereinafter ‘the website’) primarily uses cookies to improve the user-friendliness of the website. You can accept cookies by continuing to visit the website or alternatively by clicking ‘I accept’. Blocking cookies may limit your ability to use the website.

What are cookies?

Küpsis (cookie) on väike tekstifail, mis salvestatakse veebilehe külastamisel kasutaja arvutisse või muusse seadmesse. Küpsised ei saada informatsiooni kasutaja arvutist välja. Küpsiste all käsitleme kõiki eelnevalt defineeritud tekstifaile olenemata tehnoloogilisest piiritlusest.

Which cookies do we use and for what purpose?

We collect persistent and session cookies that are necessary for the operation of the website, to improve user-friendliness of the website and to provide appropriate advertising.

We use the following third-party cookies:

  • Google Analytics cookies collect statistics about how visitors use the website. Google Analytics cookies also track users across devices and marketing channels, and collect data about visitor devices. Google Analytics cookies are important for improving the user experience of a website. These cookies may also help us show more relevant ads in other Google services. These cookies do not store personal data.
  • Facebook cookies allow the use of Facebook platforms for relevant advertising to users who have visited our website and to measure the performance of the ads.
  • WPML cookies allow the website to remember the user’s language choice.
  • CloudFlare cookies are used for loading a web page faster. The _cfduid cookie is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address of the visitor. CloudFlare does not use user identification.

We do not have access to and control of third-party cookies and their use is subject to the installers' privacy policy. You may review the third-party privacy policy and terms on the third-party websites.

What data are collected by cookies?

The use of cookies may result in the storage of personal information entered by the user when filling out the form on the website. These include name, e-mail address, telephone number and a description of the solution required. In addition, device information, location information, IP address, language selection, and other data listed above may be stored.

The personal data of the user will not be retained for longer than is necessary for the purposes of the data collected. If the user’s personal data becomes unnecessary or the user requests their deletion, the data will be deleted within 1 (one) month.

We may disclose the information collected in connection with the use of cookies to our employees, service providers, and third parties mentioned above, if this necessary for the abovementioned purposes. We may also disclose information collected in connection with the use of cookies if we are required to do so by law or in order to protect our rights or interests (e.g. to identify misuse of the website).

How long are the cookies stored on my computer for?

The cookies’ storage time is different for each cookie. Each time you visit the website, the cookies are updated, which also extends their storage period. Session cookies are temporarily stored while you visit a website. Persistent cookies are stored on the user's computer after the webpage is closed. Permanent cookies have different expiry periods and some remain on the user's device for days, months or years, but can be deleted from the device if desired.

How can I restrict or delete cookies?

The user can delete the cookies stored on the device and prevent the cookies from being stored on the device. To do this, the user must change the privacy settings of the website. The settings to disable cookies must be changed on each device individually. Blocking all cookies may limit your ability to use the website.

For more details, see the web browser user instructons: Internet Explorer: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835

Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en

Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/ClearRecentHistory

Opera: http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/security/privacy

Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042

Contact Information and additional information

The website manager and the person responsible for processing the personal data is Hetti Ustimenko , located at Laki tn 5 10621 Tallinn, Estonia.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at by calling us (+372) 5911 0686 or via e-mail hetti.ustimenko@sma.ee.

Third-party contact information is available on their websites.

We may change our policy on the use of cookies without notice. The date at the bottom of the website indicates when the policy was last updated. All changes take effect immediately when the cookie policy is updated on the website.


Why choose Sirkel & Mall?

  • We are guided in our designs by the client’s business model, creating the optimal solutions accordingly.
  • In the design stage we take the cost of materials into account and make sure the project stays within its budget.
  • We undertake all projects in compliance with EVS construction standards and BIM requirements.
  • We are a member of the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster, which unites the most progressive companies in the field.
E-mail us, give us a call or pop in to our office to talk about how we can help you develop your business idea or find the best solution for your construction project.
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