Nõmme Cultural Centre




Tallinn Property Department

Building type:

Public building

Project type:

Draft plans for interior architecture; reconstruction

Interior architecture: Evely Nurk & Kadri Aare

Project details

Sirkel & Mall was awarded a very respectable 2nd place in the design competition for the interior architecture of Nõmme Cultural Centre.

Our entry, which we titled ‘Soleil’, was designed to transform the building into an inviting, modern, forward-looking cultural centre that would support events open to the public, serve as inspiration and enjoy wide use without losing any of its identity.

The classic and Art Nouveau elements of the building are complemented with new arched interior forms, rectangular shapes with a staggered rhythm, and light, transparent materials in the contemporary style. The predominant sense is one of warmth and softness, with a touch of playfulness and hints of theatricality.

Timber, veneer and wooden ribbing were chosen as the main finishing materials, along with neutral colours, guaranteeing a soft feel to the space.

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  • In the design stage we take the cost of materials into account and make sure the project stays within its budget.
  • We undertake all projects in compliance with EVS construction standards and BIM requirements.
  • We are a member of the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster, which unites the most progressive companies in the field.
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