A visit to Dubai

Sirkel & Mall’s export manager Paavo Pärn recently represented the Digital Construction Cluster as a member of the Estonian business delegation accompanying President Kersti Kaljulaid on a visit to Abu Dhabi and Dubai designed to promote Estonian companies in the United Arab Emirates. 

Over the course of three days from 9-11 September, the delegation attended the World Energy Congress, were given a tour of the 438-hectare site in Dubai which will be home to EXPO 2020 and took part in a number of meetings with local entrepreneurs and organisations.

The delegation members representing construction companies met with one of the world’s biggest property developers, EMAAR, which operates in 36 countries in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. The company is best known for being behind the world’s tallest building: the Burj Khalifa. EMAAR’s representatives showed an interest in importing both Estonian construction materials and services.

“I see a number of business opportunities in the region for Digital Construction Cluster companies,” Pärn said. “The business culture there takes some adapting to, of course, but given the rapid development of the Dubai region, it’s a prime market for building materials and construction-related consultation services. A lot of Estonian entrepreneurs are already operating there who can help newcomers take their first steps in the Middle East region. EXPO 2020 will offer an unbeatable chance to learn about the region and local business practices and to find partners.”

Photos: Taavi Linnamäe (Office of the President of the Republic); private collection

Why choose Sirkel & Mall?

  • We are guided in our designs by the client’s business model, creating the optimal solutions accordingly.
  • In the design stage we take the cost of materials into account and make sure the project stays within its budget.
  • We undertake all projects in compliance with EVS construction standards and BIM requirements.
  • We are a member of the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster, which unites the most progressive companies in the field.
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