Kindergartens in Lasnamäe

Winning conceptual design in open architectural competition




Tallinn Property Department

Building type:

Public building

Architects: Lembit Tork, Marit Aripmann, Gea Hein, Igor Smoljakov

Project manager:

Cris Koppel

Project details

Sirkel & Mall’s winning entry in the open architectural competition for a series of kindergartens in Lasnamäe was a conceptual design titled ‘Triks’.

The building is constructed from functional blocks or ‘cubes’, creating an appropriate sense of playfulness for a kindergarten. The layout is user-friendly, with all of the niches, corners and recesses one would expect, while distinct areas and entrances and classrooms marked out by colours provide a varied appearance. The way the building is divided up into sections enables it to blend in with the surrounding environment and landscape and establishes areas for waiting, being, watching and playing that the children will clearly identify as their ‘own’.

The kindergarten was designed to serve as a standard, its compactness and staggered form allowing it to be erected on blocks of land of different sizes. In line with the access logic and geometry of the site, the building can also be rotated. The kindergarten comes with 10 group rooms. Depending on the size of the block of land, the building can be adapted to host up to 12 groups by adding a two-storey block at one end.

The project covered five kindergartens in Lasnamäe: Loitsu, Linnamäe, Läänemere, Muhu and Ümera.

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