Private home in Nõmme

‘Floating house – modern futuro’




Private client

Building type:

Private house

Project type:

New building

Architects: Lembit Tork, Kristo Põlluaas

Project details

The faceted shape of this one-storey home allows it to be more freely positioned in a natural location than a classic rectangular-shaped building. The shape ‘breaks’ the longer axis of the building, which shortens it and renders the home more modest when viewed from the outside. The chosen shape also informs a gently dynamic aesthetic which is of course both simple and laconic. The porch in front of the main entrance features origami-like geometry. Situated on the edge of a rise surrounded by tall trees on the street side, the south-facing terrace extends out over the sloping ground with elegant lightness.

The stairs carved into the landscape can be reached from both sides of the building.  The house is in the classic Californian style: it is spread over two levels, the uppermost of which (the roof level) slopes slightly upwards, opening up views over the bog and enjoying the sun.  kahetasapinnaline struktuur, ülemine neist (katus) on kerge kaldega üles, mis avardub raba vaate ja päikese suunas. 

The home is made up of two rectangular trapezoids connected by the main entrance. The larger of the two, at the eastern end, features living areas; the smaller, west-facing part has auxiliary spaces. The section between them provides a transparency that speaks of the home’s location in a natural setting and provides covered spaces both in front of the building and in its courtyard.

The load-bearing external wall structures are blocks made from Columbia stone. The external walls themselves, including their ventilating timber cladding, are 450 mm thick. The cladding boards and the timber strips attached to them were designed to be made from durable, thermally processed wood from ash trees. Windows and glass doors are all triple-glazed and feature SKN-type solar control glass, which along with the 1.5-metre awnings on the southern side provide effective ‘passive’ protection against the sun.

Technical data:

  • Closed net area: 266 m²

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